Thursday, May 17, 2012

Attempted hatching with Night Hawk pet

                My first hatching produced exactly the results that I had hoped for – and some unforeseen results. My brother received from the hatching a Myth Sprite at level 48 pedigree, with talent slots rated Epic, Rare, and Uncommon. He had a good number of mega snacks and did not mind training the Myth Sprite he got up to ancient; it manifested Cast Spritely, Health Gift and Mana Gift, exactly like his Night Hawk. I, however, received a level 37 Night Hawk with talent slots that were all Common and UnCommon. I did not even bother training the pet, as I knew those would be selfish talents à I sold the pet for 500 gold coin to Zeke in the Commons.

                I have had immense success with farming thanks to some great farming areas my brother knew about; he took me there, kept me alive, and together we did some damage. I was able to gain 100,000 gold coin within an hour of farming!

                So, I have the money to do hatchings, set up a large garden, and thanks to a generation of Pink Dandelions and Tiger Lillies with balls of blue yarn, I rocketed up to a 6th level gardener; this allows me to grow the plants that drop mega snacks!

                The only bad news I have to report, is that my brother got the Myth Sprite I was hoping for, and I got a selfish Night Hawk. I still only have my level 31 Myth Sprite for trying again. But, I can’t try to cross the low level Myth Sprite with the higher one, because that would result if a Myth Sprite somewhere between the two with a mix of good talents and selfish talents  L.

                It is nice to know that my plan worked on the first try, just not good because my brother got the pet I was attempting to create.

                So, me and my brother shared notes and figured how a hatching with his pet Mustard Troll would turn out; we are thinking a low level Mustard Troll with selfish talents, and a higher level Myth Sprite with Bruno’s talents – He would get the Sprite, I would get the Troll.

                So here is what we are thinking: If we both had the same species of pet, one higher and the other lower, then I would get a higher of the same species. As it happens, I have a basic Inferno Cat (not trained), and my brother has an Inferno Cat that was crossed with a Sea Dragon. This means that we would both have an Inferno Cat, but with mine now being at a higher pedigree with much better talent slots.

                We figured we will give it a try after I train my cat to Adult level.

                OOPS! No, I have the Inferno Cat crossed with Sea Dragon on my Fire Character. I found him bouncing around on my bed in my Dragonspyre house. The basic Inferno Cat I mentioned is on my Balance character, which has been the one that I have been playing a lot lately. So, uh, there is not much need to do any hatching. I am instead going to train up that Inferno Cat, and see what he manifests.
This is my Balance character standing next to my Brother's friend, a Balance character in his Massive Castle. That is my Myth Sprite, his Night Hawk, soon to be cross hatched.

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