Friday, May 18, 2012

The sad story of Balance pets

                My brother never really cared for cross hatching pets nor for improving them; but, since I got started into trying to improve my Myth Sprite and my Inferno Cat, he too has gotten into this project. He started by crossing his Judgement pet with his Hydra. For a long time, he has been frustrated with never being able to get a good quality pet. And, his Judgement ended up manifesting very lousy talents. A long time ago, he trained up a first generation Balance dragon (pedigree 29), and got three non-selfish talents by level Ancient. It was a great dragon for his Balance sorcerer.

                Then he got a Hydra from the quest for Balance at level 48, and it manifested two selfish talents and one non-selfish talent by Ancient. He was upset with the pet which was a much higher pedigree. So, he let it run loose in his home and never used the pet again. Then he got the Judgement pet (pedigree 64) from a quest, and it manifested the exact same talents at the pedigree 29 Balance dragon – another major disappointment. Then, he got the Jade Oni pet (which is Balance) as a drop after weeks and weeks of farming the Jade Oni in Mooshu.

                If you guessed that the Jade Oni pet (pedigree 53, I think) started manifesting selfish talents, then you guessed right.  So, my poor brother had enough of trying to get a good balance pet and just ran around with this level 29 Balance dragon.

                Since I started my P.I.P., he decided to cross the Judgement with the Hydra. He got a Hydra with a level 62 pedigree, and almost all of its talent slots are Rare or better. If you look at the picture, you will see what the pet looks like before he started training. I will put up pictures as it progresses, but my brother is all out of high level balance snacks right now so will not be training it. He is going to do a few Mirror Lake runs for Pixie Sticks before he starts training.
The trouble with Tribbles is that they are a Balance pet.

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