Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The biggest problem with my Balance character is that she is only level 23 at the time. This means that farming for gold takes forever considering that I only have access to areas up to Krokotopia. The very best drops are very rare, and sell for a max of a few hundred gold coins. In order to get the great drops and good gold amounts, it means farming in areas where my poor Balance sorcerer would be dead first round.

                So this means that I have to tag along with a much higher friend who can keep me alive, keep themselves alive, and kill all the bad guys in fights against much higher and more powerful minions and bosses. In order to make sure that I get some good drops, I have to participate – this runs the risk of my being attacked, so I have to make sure that I can defend and heal myself in case it gets too stressing on my friend. I know that my attacks on some bosses will be the equivalent of shooting a Nerf gun at them, but that is how we get the drops for farming.
This is Ginger, the Night Hawk I am thinking of crossing with my Myth Sprite. Cast Spritely, Health gift, and Mana gift are pretty good talents in my opinion -- I would be happy for my Myth Sprite to have those talents. I am concerned though that there are too many Uncommon talent slots with this pet. To improve my chances, I need a pet with more Epic, Rare and Ultra Rare talent slots.

Here is one of the two Bruno Mustard Trolls I am also considering. This is not the regular Mustard Troll found in Grizzleheim, but is a hybrid between a Utility Dragon and a regular Mustard Troll -- thus the higher pedigree and manifested talent of Cast Spritely that is not found on the original Mustard Troll (unless there was some update we are not aware of).

This is the Utility Dragon that my brother crossed with a regular Mustard Troll. It has somewhat better occurence of Epic talent slots and a higher pedigree. I think it is the highest my brother has aside from the Sea Dragon. He says that I am more likely to end up with a Utility Dragon rather than a higher Myth Sprite. It took him three tries before he got a higher level Mustard Troll. That's not good, because right now I only have enough gold for one attempt, then I will have to farm and farm and farm and farm forever to rebuild those gold supplies.

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