Monday, July 2, 2012

Is it possible to take something beautiful and make it more so?

The answer to that is apparently yes;

Valkoor Legend has already beaten me to the punch. He has Wysteria Villa, and has already decorated the place. And, he did a magnificent job! I mean, really, he made the place just absolutely fantastic.

I always envied Valkoor for what he did with his Wizard's Tower -- the outside is incredible, and turned the downstairs into a museum (and it really looks like a museum), and the upstairs into the most fantastic library you could imagine.

Well, with the Wysteria Villa, it is unbelievable how awesome he changed the place. He reports that you don't crowd the place with junk. Instead, you work with the architecture, colors and design -- he also said it was a bit of a challenge because Wizard101 does not have much in the way of furnishings that appropriately goes with the villa -- yet.

However, the fine details he did with his villa just make the place seem, I don't know, it's hard to describe as I am not an interior decorator or an architect.

Valkoor says he will work on some photos for me to post on my blog later this month. He is really busy with his job all the way up until the last week of July...

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