Thursday, June 21, 2012

Re-starting the P.I.P.

Ok, I just got word from my friend that he is very sure he accidentally sold the higher level Myth Sprite.

That particular Myth Sprite was going to be the one that he and I trained up to have great talents, like cast spritely, and maybe some univerals shielding.

Well, he was clearing out pets for cash, and he forgot why he had a Myth Sprite, and so he sold it.

This puts me back to square one.

So, I am going to take what I have learned, or think that I have learned, and start over.

By now, I am getting some pretty good pet snacks. I unfortunately gave in and bought several Hydra Hoard packs... I got lots of pet snacks, one or two furniture items, a few treasure cards, and a bunch of bobble heads. The only thing I can use are the pet snacks which are good mega snacks. Everything I sold for cash.

My garden is going great! I grew some Evil Snow Peas, and one of them gave me an Evil Magma Peas seed, which has been dropping some wonderful mega snacks. Also, the rest of my plants have been giving good snacks, except for the prickly bear cactus which has decided not to give any snacks (I have three of those going, now having reached ancient and replanted about 3 or 4 times now, and still no snacks, whatsoever -- and I have four 'likes' for those guys: Krok Insect Tablet which was nearly impossible to get; pixie; garden gnome; and, pile of sand).

And, I have tons of gold! The plants have been paying out nicely, but the real payday has been in Dragonspyre. I have been farming for gear and badges with several friends in Dragonspyre. And in a short time, the gear you don't want and that you sell at the bazaar piles up quick. By the time my backpack fills up, I am earning some 30k in gold coin per trip to the bazaar. And, when you are farming with friends, the gear drops are better and more frequent.

So, which pet will I restart the P.I.P. with?  Ice Oni.  Yeppers, I have Helephant on my fire wizard, and Ice Colossus on my ice wizard. I crossed them, and got an Ice Oni. I am not impressed with its peidgree or its talents, so I think I will try to hybrid it up to something really nice.

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