Friday, June 29, 2012

Smashing Thulkir: Denied by a tower shield

Ok, me and my friend Jenny were farming in Wintertusk, and we thought we would do a 'smash' on one of the bosses. We just randomly picked Thulkir. I started building up fire blades on me and traps on Thulkir. Jenny killed the minion, and used her ice wand attack to take the tower shields off of Thulkir. Everything was going smoothly until we got to the end of the fire traps and blades, and we had to very quickly set up feints.

We knew that with the feints, we would have to act fast before Thulkir started putting up tower shields. Well, the stinker did just that right after we put a feint on him. Jenny had to knock the tower shield and feint down. So, I put up another feint and Jenny followed with a universal +30% trap. Jenny had many more traps to put up for me, but we could not risk Thulkir doing another tower shield, and Jenny was almost out of ice wand attacks, and we were both out of healing spells.

So, we attacked. And what did Thulkir do? He stunned us both, and while we were stunned he put up a tower shield. Then we were not stunned anymore, and he put up another tower shield right as we attacked. As you can see from the pic, Thulkir just went crazy with tossing up tower shields, like he knew what was coming.

So, for the record, take that damage amount you see in that picture, and double it. For the record, that's 781,648 damage with a dragon -- on his initial fire breathing blast.

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